But, given that the Reader service is going away it's time to begin searching for an alternative.
I don't have an alternative identified yet but here's what I am looking for:-
- Subscribing to news/blog searches with excellent ability to pull from a wide variety of sources
- Subscribing to individual sources by RSS/Atom feed
- Topical structure of subscriptions
- Archiving individual news items, with tags
- Retrieving archived items, by tag
- Adding news/blog items to the archive separately .. e.g. from a browser plugin
Source: Google Official Blog
Update: Here are some resources for Reader alternatives
- http://www.netvibes.com/en
- http://www.feedly.com/
- http://theoldreader.com/
- http://collected.info/
- http://www.feedafever.com/
- http://superfeedr.com/
- http://www.bloglines.com/
- http://www.newsisfree.com/
- http://my.alltop.com/
- http://www.rssowl.org/
- http://www.mysyndicaat.com/home