The World Wide Web offers you, yes you, the one reading these words, you and everybody else, your own soapbox. But only if you choose to stand on that soapbox. For a trivial amount of money you can set up a simple web site containing whatever you wish to say. Anything. The only thing stopping you from standing on your personal soapbox is your choice.
There are thousands of companies out there who can help, and a wide variety of software. The steps aren't terribly hard, and the cost is rather low. Starting a web site begins with an idea, just like starting anything else. It may be a name that connects with a bunch of ideas, or it may be a message you want to write, and it may take many other forms. If you are like many, the technology involved might look daunting. It's really very simple, and while it can lead you into deep arcane technologies, it's also possible to make a competent and useful web site without those arcanities.
What if ... you could make a side income just from writing for your own soapbox? What if ... you could even earn a comfortable living, writing for your own soapbox?
These web pages contain a short course in building web sites, promoting web sites, and earning a living from those web sites. The content is targeted to individuals, or small organizations, who primarily want to publish a body of knowledge.