Could Storify be implemented in Drupal?

Date: Tue Jun 13 2017 Node.JS »»»» Drupal Planet
I've been exploring Node.js recently (long story, which will see a book come out of it reasonably soon) and one site I've come across is Storify. It first caught my eye because it's supposedly implemented using Node.js, but once I got there some of the functionality really caught my eye. The site appears to still be in a private "beta" but they have some examples published that shows fantastic integration with social networking sites.

For example.. if you want to refer to a specific in your article, the simple ways are a) to paste in the URL making your visitor go to to read the tweet, b) copy/paste the text of the tweet, attaching the URL, c) taking a screen shot and embedding the image.

But, on the storify site an embedded tweet is a useful widget that supports directly retweeting or sending @ replies to the author of the embedded tweet. It's not just tweets, the examples I see on the site are twitpic images, and youtube videos.

After a couple days of this rumbling in my head I was struck that it's feasible to implement this in Drupal, and further there is an existing module which could be a useful starting point:

The question is.. why was that link presented by Drupal as a bare link? What if the link filter were to recognize it as a link to a Drupal project and render a useful widget about the Drupal project in question? What about a link to, say, ... a youtube channel page, why can't that be a little video player showing videos from that channel. Or a link to a youtube video, why not render it as a youtube video player? Or a link to a flikr or other photosharing site, why not render a thumbnail of the image?

Go to this page ... ... play with some of the objects.
Now.. look at the googtube module source:

Don't you see that the googtube_youtube and googtube_google functions serve as a pattern, and that a googtube_twitter function could take twitter links and render them with some javascript code which implements a widget like the one on the page referenced above? And that to support fancy widgets for links to various services is "just" a matter of adding a preg_replace_callback matching the link pattern for each service, and a googtube_xyzzy function to match?

This is quite possible. is the place to add some opinions.

UPDATE: Some comments were made when this post lived on  Those comments are important enough to replicate here ... - -